I'm Lauren
A UX Designer who thrives on discovery and human engagement. Understanding problems and translating insights into purposeful, user-centric solutions is where I shine.

UX Design: Case Studies

Davis Squared E-Commerce Site
Hypothetical design of an e-commerce platform to seamlessly integrate into the Davis Squared store existing website. I was the sole designer on this 2 week long class project.
The scope of work included: user and business research, competitive analysis, ideation, information architecture, sketching and wireframing, prototyping, usability testing and design iteration.

Major League Baseball Ballpark App
Hypothetical redesign and hi-fidelity prototype for information architecture / interface redesign, including feature add-ons to this existing app. I was part of a 3-person team on this 2 week long class project.
The scope of work included: Research and synthesis, heuristic evaluation/analysis, ideation, information architecture, sketching, wireframing, usability testing, UI development for hi-fidelity mockup, and prototyping with InVision.

Learning Seeds Micro-course
Worked for an EdTech startup to develop an online micro-course as part of a 4-person team during this 3 week long class project.
The scope of work included: Research and data synthesis, ideation, content management, wireframing, mid-fi prototype and hi-fi mockups.